Pittsburgh’s Preferred Bread Bakery
We take credit cards in our store, minimum purchase of $10.00.
For directions, click the Directions link on the map below, then enter your location and click “Get Directions”
BreadWorkS 2110 Brighton Road Pittsburgh, PA 15212.
tel: (412) 231-7555
Phone Ordering:
Monday—Friday—8:30 am to 4 pm
Saturday—8:30 am to 2 pm
We don’t want you to change your habit of shopping with us on the North Side; we enjoy your company and we know that you enjoy the atmosphere that our Store provides. There are, however, some Specialty Food Stores that each sell a limited variety of our breads that we want you to be aware of. These owners and their staffs put in the extra effort necessary to supply quality products to the consumer. They each provide the service of ordering our products through them for pick-up at their establishments.